Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
converting between partial functions and maps.
(for doctest)
:set +m
:set -XLambdaCase
let uppercasePartial :: (MonadThrow m) => Char -> m Char -- :: Partial Char Char uppercasePartial = \case 'a' -> return 'A' 'b' -> return 'B' 'z' -> return 'Z' _ -> failed "uppercasePartial" :}
a (safely-)partial function is isomorphic with a Map
modulo the error thrown.
- toFunction :: (Enumerable a, Ord a) => Map a b -> Maybe (a -> b)
- toFunctionM :: (Enumerable a, Ord a) => Map a b -> Partial a b
- unsafeToFunction :: Ord a => Map a b -> a -> b
- isTotalM :: (Enumerable a, Ord a) => Partial a b -> Maybe (a -> b)
- unsafeFromList :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> a -> b
- functionEnumerated :: (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Ord a, Ord b) => [a -> b]
- functionCardinality :: forall a b proxy. (Enumerable a, Enumerable b) => proxy (a -> b) -> Natural
- extensionallyEqual :: (Enumerable a, Eq b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Bool
- extensionallyUnequal :: (Enumerable a, Eq b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Bool
- functionShowsPrec :: (Enumerable a, Show a, Show b) => Int -> (a -> b) -> ShowS
- displayFunction :: (Enumerable a, Show a, Show b) => (a -> b) -> String
- displayInjective :: (Enumerable a, Ord a, Ord b, Show a, Show b) => (a -> b) -> Maybe String
- mappingEnumeratedAt :: [a] -> [b] -> [[(a, b)]]
- crossProduct :: [a] -> [b] -> [[(a, b)]]
toFunction :: (Enumerable a, Ord a) => Map a b -> Maybe (a -> b) Source
convert a map to a function, if the map is total.
let (Just not_) = toFunction (Map.fromList [(False,True),(True,False)])
not_ False
toFunctionM :: (Enumerable a, Ord a) => Map a b -> Partial a b Source
convert a (safely-)partial function to a map.
lookup failures are throwM
n as a PatternMatchFail
let idPartial = toFunctionM (Map.fromList [(True,True)])
idPartial True
idPartial False
*** Exception: toFunctionM
unsafeToFunction :: Ord a => Map a b -> a -> b Source
wraps lookup
isTotalM :: (Enumerable a, Ord a) => Partial a b -> Maybe (a -> b) Source
refines the partial function, if total.
let myNotM :: Monad m => Bool -> m Bool myNotM False = return True myNotM True = return False :}>>>
let (Just myNot) = isTotalM myNotM
myNot False
unsafeFromList :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> a -> b Source
wraps lookup
(unsafeFromList [(False,True),(True,False)]) False
(unsafeFromList [(False,True),(True,False)]) True
functionEnumerated :: (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Ord a, Ord b) => [a -> b] Source
functionCardinality :: forall a b proxy. (Enumerable a, Enumerable b) => proxy (a -> b) -> Natural Source
|b| ^ |a|
extensionallyEqual :: (Enumerable a, Eq b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Bool Source
are all pairs of outputs the same for the same input? (short-ciruits).
extensionallyUnequal :: (Enumerable a, Eq b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Bool Source
is any pair of outputs different for the same input? (short-ciruits).
functionShowsPrec :: (Enumerable a, Show a, Show b) => Int -> (a -> b) -> ShowS Source
show all inputs and their outputs, as unsafeFromList [...]
displayFunction :: (Enumerable a, Show a, Show b) => (a -> b) -> String Source
show all inputs and their outputs, as case ...
displayInjective :: (Enumerable a, Ord a, Ord b, Show a, Show b) => (a -> b) -> Maybe String Source
mappingEnumeratedAt :: [a] -> [b] -> [[(a, b)]] Source
is a mapping, [[(a,b)]]
is a list of mappings.
let orderingPredicates = mappingEnumeratedAt [LT,EQ,GT] [False,True]
print $ length orderingPredicates
printMappings $ orderingPredicates
(LT,False) (EQ,False) (GT,False) (LT,False) (EQ,False) (GT,True) (LT,False) (EQ,True) (GT,False) (LT,False) (EQ,True) (GT,True) (LT,True) (EQ,False) (GT,False) (LT,True) (EQ,False) (GT,True) (LT,True) (EQ,True) (GT,False) (LT,True) (EQ,True) (GT,True)
where the (total) mapping:
(LT,False) (EQ,False) (GT,True)
is equivalent to the function:
\case LT -> False EQ -> False GT -> True
crossProduct :: [a] -> [b] -> [[(a, b)]] Source
let crossOrderingBoolean = crossProduct [LT,EQ,GT] [False,True]
printMappings $ crossOrderingBoolean
(LT,False) (LT,True) (EQ,False) (EQ,True) (GT,False) (GT,True)
the length of the outer list is the size of the first set, and the length of the inner list is the size of the second set.
print $ length crossOrderingBoolean
print $ length (head crossOrderingBoolean)