{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, DefaultSignatures, TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ExplicitNamespaces, DataKinds, UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable #-} {- | enumerate all values in a finite type. e.g. @ data A = A0 Bool | A1 (Either Bool) (Maybe Bool) | A2 (Bool, Bool) | A3 (Set Bool) deriving (Show,Generic,Enumerable) > enumerate A0 False A0 True A1 ... > cardinality ([]::[A]) @ see the 'Enumerable' class for documentation. see "Enumerate.Example" for examples. can also help automatically derive @<https://hackage.haskell.org/package/QuickCheck/docs/Test-QuickCheck-Arbitrary.html QuickCheck>@ instances: @ newtype ValidString = ValidString String deriving (Show) validStrings :: [String] makeValidString :: String -> Maybe ValidString makeValidString s = if s `member` validStrings then Just (ValidString s) else Nothing instance 'Enumerable' ValidString where enumerated = ValidString \<$> validStrings ... -- manually (since normal String's are infinite) instance <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/QuickCheck/docs/Test-QuickCheck.html#t:Arbitrary Arbitrary> ValidString where arbitrary = elements 'enumerated' data ValidName = ValidName ValidString ValidString | CoolValidName [ValidString] deriving (Show,Generic) instance 'Enumerable' ValidName -- automatically instance Arbitrary ValidName where arbitrary = elements 'enumerated' @ Provides instances for all base types (whenever possible): * under @Data.@ \/ @Control.@ \/ @System.@ \/ @Text.@, and even @GHC.@ * even non-'Enum's * except when too large (like 'Int') (see "Enumerate.Large") background on @Generics@: * <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- GHC.Generics> also provides instances for: * sets * vinyl records related packages: * <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/enumerable enumerable>. no @Generic@ instance. * <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/universe universe> no @Generic@ instance. * <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/prelude-safeenum- SafeEnum> only @Enum@s * <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/emgm-0.4/docs/Generics-EMGM-Functions-Enum.html emgm>. allows infinite lists (by convention). too heavyweight. * <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/testing-feat- testing-feat>. too heavyweight (testing framework). * <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/smallcheck smallcheck> too heavyweight (testing framework). Series enumerates up to some depth and can enumerated infinitely-inhabited types. * <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/quickcheck quickcheck> too heavyweight (testing framework, randomness unnecessary). -} module Enumerate.Types where import Enumerate.Extra import Spiros.Prelude import Data.Vinyl (Rec(..)) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData,force) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Set (Set) import GHC.Generics import Data.Data (Data) import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Data.List (genericLength) import System.Timeout (timeout) import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Data.Ix (Ix(..)) -- import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, natVal, type (+), type (*), type (^)) import Data.Void (Void) import Data.Word (Word8, Word16) import Data.Int (Int8, Int16) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) -- for instances... import Data.Typeable ((:~:)(..)) import Control.Applicative (Const(..)) import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..)) import Data.Type.Coercion (Coercion(..)) import Data.Coerce (Coercible) import Data.Char (GeneralCategory) import Data.Ratio (Ratio,(%)) import Data.Complex (Complex(..)) -- import Control.Exception (ArithException(..),AsyncException(..),NonTermination(..),NestedAtomically(..),BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar(..),BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM(..),AllocationLimitExceeded(..),Deadlock(..)) import Data.Monoid (Any,All,Dual,First,Last,Sum,Product,Alt,Endo) import System.IO (IOMode,SeekMode,Newline(..),NewlineMode(NewlineMode)) import Text.Printf (FormatAdjustment(..),FormatSign(..)) import Foreign.C (CChar,CWchar,CSChar,CUChar,CShort,CUShort) import System.Posix.Types (CIno,CMode) import GHC.Exts(Down(..),SpecConstrAnnotation(..)) -- -- TODO CCc -- import GHC.Conc.Windows (ConsoleEvent) -- platform-specific module import GHC.IO.Buffer (BufferState(..)) import GHC.IO.Device (IODeviceType(..)) import GHC.IO.Encoding.Failure (CodingFailureMode(..)) import GHC.IO.Encoding.Types (CodingProgress(..)) import GHC.RTS.Flags (DoTrace,DoHeapProfile,DoCostCentres,GiveGCStats) --import Data.Modular (not on stack) -- * modular integers {- | enumerate the set of all values in a (finitely enumerable) type. enumerates depth first. generalizes 'Enum's to any finite/discrete type. an Enumerable is either: * an Enum * a product of Enumerables * a sum of Enumerables can be implemented automatically via its 'Generic' instance. laws: * finite: * @'cardinality' /= _|_@ * consistent: * @'cardinality' _ = 'length' 'enumerated'@ so you can index the 'enumerated' with a nonnegative index below the 'cardinality'. * distinct: * @(Eq a) => 'nub' 'enumerated' == 'enumerated'@ * complete: * @x `'elem'` 'enumerated'@ * coincides with @Bounded@ @Enum@s: * @('Enum' a, 'Bounded' a) => 'enumerated' == 'boundedEnumerated'@ * @('Enum' a) => 'enumerated' == 'enumEnumerated'@ (@Bounded@ constraint elided for convenience, but relevant.) ("inputs" a type, outputs a list of values). Every type in `base` (that can be an instance) is an instance. -} class Enumerable a where enumerated :: [a] default enumerated :: (Generic a, GEnumerable (Rep a)) => [a] enumerated = to <$> genumerated cardinality :: proxy a -> Natural cardinality _ = genericLength (enumerated :: [a]) -- overrideable for performance, but don't lie! -- default cardinality :: (Generic a, GEnumerable (Rep a)) => proxy a -> Natural -- cardinality _ = gcardinality (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep a)) -- TODO merge both methods into one that returns their pair {- instance Enumerable where enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable where enumerated = [] instance (Enumerable a) => Enumerable (X a) where enumerated = X <$> enumerated -} {-| wrap any @(Bounded a, Enum a)@ to be a @Enumerable@ via 'boundedEnumerated'. (avoids @OverlappingInstances@). -} newtype WrappedBoundedEnum a = WrappedBoundedEnum { unwrapBoundedEnum :: a } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- main base types {- NOTE: to declare instances: * use default, when Generic (easiest) * use boundedEnumerated/boundedCardinality, when only Bounded (faster and safer than enumEnumerated) * use enumEnumerated, when only Enum (doesn't import constructors, only type) * use constructors, when no relevant instances -} --NOTE this file takes ~1s to build. split into another with orphans? instance Enumerable Void instance Enumerable () instance Enumerable Bool instance Enumerable Ordering -- | (phantom in @a@) instance Enumerable (Proxy a) instance (Enumerable a) => Enumerable (Identity a) where enumerated = Identity <$> enumerated instance (Enumerable a) => Enumerable (Const a b) where enumerated = Const <$> enumerated instance (a ~ b) => Enumerable (a :~: b) where enumerated = [Refl] instance (Coercible a b) => Enumerable (Coercion a b) where enumerated = [Coercion] -- Enumerable TypeRep -- we can't list all known types, statically (because separate compilation). -- but dynamically, maybe? and probably constant throughout the running program i.e. still pure. {- | @-- ('toInteger' prevents overflow)@ >>> 1 + toInteger (maxBound::Int8) - toInteger (minBound::Int8) 256 -} instance Enumerable Int8 where -- type Cardinality Int8 = 256 -- 2^8 enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable Word8 where -- type Cardinality Word8 = 256 -- 2^8 enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality {- | >>> 1 + toInteger (maxBound::Int16) - toInteger (minBound::Int16) 65536 -} instance Enumerable Int16 where -- type Cardinality Int16 = 65536 -- 2^16 enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable Word16 where -- type Cardinality Word16 = 65536 -- 2^16 enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality {- | there are only a million (1,114,112) characters. >>> import Data.Char (ord,chr) -- 'ord', 'chr' >>> ord minBound 0 >>> ord maxBound 1114111 >>> length [chr 0 ..] 1114112 -} instance Enumerable Char where -- type Cardinality Char = 1114112 enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality {-| the sum type. the 'cardinality' is the sum of the cardinalities of @a@ and @b@. >>> cardinality ([] :: [Either Bool Ordering]) 5 -} instance (Enumerable a, Enumerable b) => Enumerable (Either a b) where -- type Cardinality (Either a b) = (Cardinality a) + (Cardinality b) enumerated = (Left <$> enumerated) ++ (Right <$> enumerated) cardinality _ = cardinality (Proxy :: Proxy a) + cardinality (Proxy :: Proxy b) {-| -} instance (Enumerable a) => Enumerable (Maybe a) where -- type Cardinality (Maybe a) = 1 + (Cardinality a) enumerated = Nothing : (Just <$> enumerated) cardinality _ = 1 + cardinality (Proxy :: Proxy a) {-| the product type. the 'cardinality' is the product of the cardinalities of @a@ and @b@. >>> cardinality ([] :: [(Bool,Ordering)]) 6 -} instance (Enumerable a, Enumerable b) => Enumerable (a, b) --where -- enumerated = (,) <$> enumerated <*> enumerated -- cardinality _ = cardinality (Proxy :: Proxy a) * cardinality (Proxy :: Proxy b) -- | 3 instance (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Enumerable c) => Enumerable (a, b, c) -- | 4 instance (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Enumerable c, Enumerable d) => Enumerable (a, b, c, d) -- | 5 instance (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Enumerable c, Enumerable d, Enumerable e) => Enumerable (a, b, c, d, e) -- | 6 instance (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Enumerable c, Enumerable d, Enumerable e, Enumerable f) => Enumerable (a, b, c, d, e, f) -- | 7 instance (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Enumerable c, Enumerable d, Enumerable e, Enumerable f, Enumerable g) => Enumerable (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -- instance (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Enumerable c, Enumerable d, Enumerable e, Enumerable f, Enumerable g, Enumerable h) => Enumerable (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {- Could not deduce (Generic (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)) arising from a use of `Enumerate.Types.$gdmenumerated' -} {-| the 'cardinality' is the cardinality of the 'powerSet' of @a@, i.e. @2^|a|@. warning: it grows quickly. don't try to take the power set of 'Char'! or even 'Word8'. the 'cardinality' call is efficient (depending on the efficiency of the base type's call). you should be able to safely call 'enumerateBelow', unless the arithmetic itself becomes too large. >>> enumerated :: [Set Bool] [fromList [],fromList [False],fromList [False,True],fromList [True]] -} instance (Enumerable a, Ord a) => Enumerable (Set a) where -- type Cardinality (Set a) = 2 ^ (Cardinality a) enumerated = (Set.toList . powerSet . Set.fromList) enumerated cardinality _ = 2 ^ cardinality (Proxy :: Proxy a) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- more base types instance Enumerable GeneralCategory where enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable IOMode where enumerated = enumEnumerated -- enumerated = [ReadMode,WriteMode,AppendMode,ReadWriteMode] -- enumerated = boundedEnumerated -- cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable SeekMode where enumerated = enumEnumerated -- enumerated = [AbsoluteSeek,RelativeSeek,SeekFromEnd] -- enumerated = boundedEnumerated -- cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable ArithException where enumerated = [ Overflow , Underflow , LossOfPrecision , DivideByZero , Denormal , RatioZeroDenominator ] instance Enumerable AsyncException where enumerated = [StackOverflow, HeapOverflow, ThreadKilled, UserInterrupt] instance Enumerable NonTermination where enumerated = [NonTermination] instance Enumerable NestedAtomically where enumerated = [NestedAtomically] instance Enumerable BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar where enumerated = [BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar] instance Enumerable BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM where enumerated = [BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM] instance Enumerable AllocationLimitExceeded where enumerated = [AllocationLimitExceeded] instance Enumerable Deadlock where enumerated = [Deadlock] instance Enumerable Newline where enumerated = [LF,CRLF] instance Enumerable NewlineMode where enumerated = NewlineMode <$> enumerated <*> enumerated instance Enumerable FormatAdjustment where enumerated = [LeftAdjust,ZeroPad] instance Enumerable FormatSign where enumerated = [SignPlus,SignSpace] -- instance Enumerable CCc where -- enumerated = boundedEnumerated -- cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable All instance Enumerable Any instance (Enumerable a) => Enumerable (Dual a) instance (Enumerable a) => Enumerable (First a) instance (Enumerable a) => Enumerable (Last a) instance (Enumerable a) => Enumerable (Sum a) instance (Enumerable a) => Enumerable (Product a) instance (Enumerable (a -> a)) => Enumerable (Endo a) instance (Enumerable (f a)) => Enumerable (Alt f a) instance (Enumerable a) => Enumerable (Complex a) where enumerated = (:+) <$> enumerated <*> enumerated {-| (@a@ can be any @Enumerable@, unlike the @Enum@ instance where @a@ is an @Integral@). -} -- instance (Enumerable a) => Enumerable (Ratio a) where -- enumerated = (%) <$> enumerated <*> enumerated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ghc-only instance (Enumerable a) => Enumerable (Down a) where enumerated = Down <$> enumerated instance Enumerable CIno where enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable CMode where enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable CChar where enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable CWchar where enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable CSChar where enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable CUChar where enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable CShort where enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable CUShort where enumerated = boundedEnumerated cardinality = boundedCardinality instance Enumerable Associativity -- LeftAssociative,RightAssociative,NotAssociative instance Enumerable SpecConstrAnnotation where enumerated = [NoSpecConstr,ForceSpecConstr] -- instance Enumerable ConsoleEvent where -- enumerated = enumEnumerated instance Enumerable BufferState where enumerated = [ReadBuffer,WriteBuffer] instance Enumerable IODeviceType where enumerated = [Directory,Stream,RegularFile,RawDevice] instance Enumerable CodingFailureMode where enumerated = [ErrorOnCodingFailure,IgnoreCodingFailure,TransliterateCodingFailure,RoundtripFailure] instance Enumerable CodingProgress where enumerated = [InputUnderflow,OutputUnderflow,InvalidSequence] instance Enumerable DoTrace where enumerated = enumEnumerated instance Enumerable DoHeapProfile where enumerated = enumEnumerated instance Enumerable DoCostCentres where enumerated = enumEnumerated instance Enumerable GiveGCStats where enumerated = enumEnumerated {- TODO why not generic/enum/bounded? ghc build time? to avoid recursive imports? nothing: ArithException AsyncException NonTermination NestedAtomically BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM AllocationLimitExceeded Deadlock Fixity FormatAdjustment FormatSign Newline CCc CChar CWChar CSChar CUChar CShort CUShort no generic: NewlineMode Ratio no bounded: IOMode SeekMode ConsoleEvent DoTrace DoHeapProfile DoCostCentres GiveGCStats -} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- package types instance (Bounded a, Enum a) => Enumerable (WrappedBoundedEnum a) where -- type Cardinality (WrappedBoundedEnum a) = Cardinality a enumerated = WrappedBoundedEnum <$> boundedEnumerated cardinality _ = boundedCardinality (Proxy :: Proxy a) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- dependency types {-| the cardinality is a product of cardinalities. -} instance (Enumerable (f a), Enumerable (Rec f as)) => Enumerable (Rec f (a ': as)) where -- type Cardinality (Rec f (a ': as)) = (Cardinality (f a)) * (Cardinality (Rec f as)) enumerated = (:&) <$> enumerated <*> enumerated cardinality _ = cardinality (Proxy :: Proxy (f a)) * cardinality (Proxy :: Proxy (Rec f as)) {-| -} instance Enumerable (Rec f '[]) where -- type Cardinality (Rec f '[]) = 1 enumerated = [RNil] cardinality _ = 1 {- -- | (from the @modular-arithmetic@ package) instance (Integral i, Num i, KnownNat n) => Enumerable (Mod i n) where -- type Cardinality (Mod i n) = n enumerated = toMod <$> [0 .. fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) - 1)] cardinality _ = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)) -} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | "Generic Enumerable", lifted to unary type constructors. class GEnumerable f where -- class (KnownNat (GCardinality f)) => GEnumerable f where -- type GCardinality f :: Nat genumerated :: [f x] gcardinality :: proxy f -> Natural -- | empty list instance GEnumerable (V1) where -- type GCardinality (V1) = 0 genumerated = [] gcardinality _ = 0 {-# INLINE gcardinality #-} -- | singleton list instance GEnumerable (U1) where -- type GCardinality (U1) = 1 genumerated = [U1] gcardinality _ = 1 {-# INLINE gcardinality #-} {-| call 'enumerated' -} instance (Enumerable a) => GEnumerable (K1 R a) where -- type GCardinality (K1 R a) = Cardinality a genumerated = K1 <$> enumerated gcardinality _ = cardinality (Proxy :: Proxy a) {-# INLINE gcardinality #-} -- | multiply lists with @concatMap@ instance (GEnumerable (f), GEnumerable (g)) => GEnumerable (f :*: g) where -- type GCardinality (f :*: g) = (GCardinality f) * (GCardinality g) genumerated = (:*:) <$> genumerated <*> genumerated gcardinality _ = gcardinality (Proxy :: Proxy (f)) * gcardinality (Proxy :: Proxy (g)) {-# INLINE gcardinality #-} -- | add lists with @(<>)@ instance (GEnumerable (f), GEnumerable (g)) => GEnumerable (f :+: g) where -- type GCardinality (f :+: g) = (GCardinality f) + (GCardinality g) genumerated = map L1 genumerated ++ map R1 genumerated gcardinality _ = gcardinality (Proxy :: Proxy (f)) + gcardinality (Proxy :: Proxy (g)) {-# INLINE gcardinality #-} -- | ignore selector metadata instance (GEnumerable (f)) => GEnumerable (M1 S t f) where -- type GCardinality (M1 S t f) = GCardinality f genumerated = M1 <$> genumerated gcardinality _ = gcardinality (Proxy :: Proxy (f)) {-# INLINE gcardinality #-} -- | ignore constructor metadata instance (GEnumerable (f)) => GEnumerable (M1 C t f) where -- type GCardinality (M1 C t f) = GCardinality f genumerated = M1 <$> genumerated gcardinality _ = gcardinality (Proxy :: Proxy (f)) {-# INLINE gcardinality #-} -- | ignore datatype metadata instance (GEnumerable (f)) => GEnumerable (M1 D t f) where -- type GCardinality (M1 D t f) = GCardinality f genumerated = M1 <$> genumerated gcardinality _ = gcardinality (Proxy :: Proxy (f)) {-# INLINE gcardinality #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | for non-'Generic' Bounded Enums: @ instance Enumerable _ where 'enumerated' = boundedEnumerated 'cardinality' = 'boundedCardinality' @ -} boundedEnumerated :: (Bounded a, Enum a) => [a] boundedEnumerated = enumFromTo minBound maxBound {-| for non-'Generic' Bounded Enums. Assuming 'Bounded' is correct, safely stop the enumeration (and know where to start). behavior may be undefined when the cardinality of @a@ is larger than the cardinality of @Int@. this should be okay, as @Int@ is at least as big as @Int64@, which is at least as big as all the monomorphic types in @base@ that instantiate @Bounded@. you can double-check with: >>> boundedCardinality (const(undefined::Int)) -- platform specific 18446744073709551616 @ -- i.e. 1 + 9223372036854775807 - (-9223372036854775808) @ works with non-zero-based Enum instances, like @Int64@ or a custom @toEnum/fromEnum@. assumes the enumeration's numbering is contiguous, e.g. if @fromEnum 0@ and @fromEnum 2@ both exist, then @fromEnum 1@ should exist too. -} boundedCardinality :: forall proxy a. (Bounded a, Enum a) => proxy a -> Natural boundedCardinality _ = fromInteger (1 + (toInteger (fromEnum (maxBound::a))) - (toInteger (fromEnum (minBound::a)))) {- | for non-'Generic' Enums: @ instance Enumerable ... where 'enumerated' = enumEnumerated @ the enum should still be bounded. -} enumEnumerated :: (Enum a) => [a] enumEnumerated = enumFrom (toEnum 0) {- | for non-'Generic' Bounded Indexed ('Ix') types: @ instance Enumerable _ where 'enumerated' = indexedEnumerated 'cardinality' = 'indexedCardinality' @ -} indexedEnumerated :: (Bounded a, Ix a) => [a] indexedEnumerated = range (minBound,maxBound) {- | for non-'Generic' Bounded Indexed ('Ix') types. -} indexedCardinality :: forall proxy a. (Bounded a, Ix a) => proxy a -> Natural indexedCardinality _ = int2natural (rangeSize (minBound,maxBound::a)) {-| enumerate only when the cardinality is small enough. returns the cardinality when too large. >>> enumerateBelow 2 :: Either Natural [Bool] Left 2 >>> enumerateBelow 100 :: Either Natural [Bool] Right [False,True] useful when you've established that traversing a list below some length and consuming its values is reasonable for your application. e.g. after benchmarking, you think you can process a billion entries within a minute. -} enumerateBelow :: forall a. (Enumerable a) => Natural -> Either Natural [a] --TODO move enumerateBelow maxSize = if theSize < maxSize then Right enumerated else Left theSize where theSize = cardinality (Proxy :: Proxy a) {-| enumerate only when completely evaluating the list doesn't timeout (before the given number of microseconds). >>> enumerateTimeout (2 * 10^6) :: IO (Maybe [Bool]) -- two seconds Just [False,True] -} enumerateTimeout :: (Enumerable a, NFData a) => Int -> IO (Maybe [a]) --TODO move enumerateTimeout maxDuration = timeout maxDuration (return$ force enumerated)